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Magyar Radiológusok Társasága

Society of Hungarian Radiologists


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Felhívás SOLACE kérdőív kitöltésére

Általános 2023.09.06. 00:00 MRT

A SOLACE EU által finaszírozott, az Eu4Health program részeként megvalósuló, az EiBIR által koordinált -  a tüdőrákszűrés implementációját elősegítő vizsgálata

Kérjük az érdeklődő kollégákat, hogy a vizsgálatot segítsék az alábbi linken elérhető anonim kérdőív kitöltésével, 2023. szeptember 21-ig:

The ESR is a major stakeholder in the SOLACE Project on implementation of lung cancer screening in EU member states. SOLACE is a 36-month project funded by the EU under the EU4Health programme and coordinated by the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR). The SOLACE project assesses the current state of play, needs and best practice of Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) in EU member states and produces a comprehensive guideline and implementation package. SOLACE aims at developing, testing and disseminating tools to help overcome identified bottlenecks and specifically address the health inequalities in different European countries. It will provide a toolbox for individualised approaches for lung cancer screening on a national or regional level. To assess the state of play of LCS in EU member states and EEA countries, SOLACE will carry out an online-survey and semi-structured interviews. The primary objectives of both are to gather the perception of LCS among various stakeholder groups as well as to collect comprehensive information on the current status of LCS in each member state, as well as to conduct a detailed needs and gap analysis.

The ESR kindly requests the support of its national member societies and kindly invites its national member societies to respond to the SOLACE survey with information on their respective country.

The SOLACE online survey can be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FW2BW5HPlease note that this online survey will be open from August 1 until September 22, 2023

For more information about the project, please visit the SOLACE website at https://europeanlung.org/solace/ If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you in advance for your support and collaboration!

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